Among the blessings of getting published are the many people I have met and the abundance of final words we have recently received through the FWP website. (We are still collecting accounts and transcriptions. Every one we receive is a precious gift. Thank you!)
I have decided to share many of these with you—with participants’ consent of course—to build upon the examples and ideas published in Words at the Threshold. I will blog three times a week with a different account each post. Nothing complicated. Mostly just the stories. They speak for themselves.
Sometimes I will say a word or two about how the specific account relates to the patterns and themes we have discerned or how they may represent a new pattern. But mostly just hearing the words of the dying speaks of the ineffable mystery of the threshold.
Right now I am reading Of the Light by Dr. David Lerma. The book was recommended to me by my colleague at Cohearence, Dr. Melvin Morse, author of several books, including Parting Visions in which he talks about the dreams, premonitions and visitations of end of life. There are so many great books out there. I will continue to let you know about the ones that I am reading, that nourish my deep curiosity.
So here is the first in a series of 100 blogs with 100 accounts of last words. I hope you receive them with the same sacred wonder that we do. Please feel free to comment or ask questions.
From Robert B. : Is it Time?
But then at this moment as we were all around him, he looked up toward the ceiling and asked out loud, “Is it time to come now?”
We, of course, did not hear the answer. But it seemed he did. He then closed his eyes and died.”