“First, he had been in a lot of pain and in-and-out of consciousness but at one point he sat straight up in bed, turned to my mom, took her hand and said, 'I have always loved you.' This was remarkable considering my father never talked like that and they had a long and unhappy marriage.
His second lucid moment--
seemingly able to leave his painful, delusional state for just a minute--was when he called to me and asked me if she could see the beautiful garden in the room. He exclaimed over-and-over, 'It’s so beautiful.' "
What made his comments so remarkable to her sister was that she did not know if he was on his medication when he said these things because she would often find his pills lying on the floor after she would administer them. But, even if he was on the medication, his final statements were far different from any other remarks or words he had said during the days’ prior.
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